A battle cry for the war against money laundering
"Money laundering is too big for anyone, or anyone tool, to solve it in isolation."
In a recent article in The Fintech Times GK, our CEO, and Justin Bercich, our Head of AI call for a unified approach that helps bridge the gap between financial institutions and regulators in the US and across the globe.
They argue that disconnected legacy systems lack a nuanced blend of quick computation augmented with a human ability to connect the dots. With the right technology and a united effort that recognizes the scale of the money laundering problem, appreciates innovation and strives for a better financial system, we can finally shine a light on dark finance.
“Money laundering is too big for anyone, or anyone tool, to solve it in isolation. An aligned approach will enable banks on the frontlines to be our protectors, allowing them to use the tools that are best suited for their business as they explore new technology, like AI, to help them be the best citizens they can be.”