Building a bright AML future at the AML & FinCrime Tech Forum

It was uplifting to see not only the hunger for better compliance tools but also the abundance of technology available.

Celina Pablo
2 min

We’ve had a blast at the AML & FinCrime Tech Forum. In an industry as serious as ours and in a landscape long plagued by outdated technology, it was uplifting to see not only the hunger for better compliance tools but also the abundance of technology available.

From the proverbial laundromat…

While we cannot verify that money laundering takes its name from the practice of the 1930s American mob using laundromats as business fronts to hide their unlawful activities, it’s still a cool story. And it shows how far back in the past money laundering has its roots.

A lot has changed since the prohibition days, though. Criminals became more sophisticated and organized than the wildest dreams of organized crime in the days of Al Capone. And as crime evolved, so did crime fighters. Evolving technology, especially, has sped up the process, as technology usually does.

… to satisfying your hunger for productive, modern AML

The problem, of course, is the palpable disconnect between the capabilities of financial criminals and their pursuers in the past two decades or so. As a result, AML investigators have long yearned, rightfully so, for tools that can match that of those hiding in the shadows of the digital age.

Events like the AML & FinCrime Tech Forum are great not only for connecting with peers and sharing knowledge but also to serve as a compass for the compliance industry. How can we be better? How can we do more?

The takeaway was clear: we have the technology. And seeing the crème de la crème of AML compliance look toward the future with hope, optimism, and an open mind for applying the best of technology for good was a sight to behold.

And that ‘good’ is where we come in.

Make Money Good

From the start, Lucinity’s mission has been to Make Money Good.

We believe in technology, and we believe in humans empowered by technology. In a world where AI is often misunderstood (and even feared), we stand proud with our Human AI that enables productivity for AML investigators and empowers the compliance industry to do more with less effort. We separate human insight and expertise from the power of machines and create tools that put the latter under the service of the former.

Bringing the best to the best

At the AML & FinCrime Tech Forum, we’ve found not only peers but kindred souls. We got to showcase the tremendous impact our unique approach to technology can bring financial crime into the light and satisfy the hunger for AML tools designed to foster analyst productivity. Our VP of Customers Jeremy Doyle presented a keynote that painted a bright future for AML. Our VP of Products Theresa Bercich led an inspired discussion around the role and benefits of artificial intelligence and how to apply it within financial institutions strategically. And our VP of Legal and Compliance Daniel Palmason hosted a hands-on workshop to share actionable best practices with compliance professionals for an immediate benefit.

We’ll share details and exclusive content for these in the coming weeks. But, for now, we’ll just say that we were proud to be head sponsors of this great event and happy to see the industry shifting toward the future of financial crimefighting.

Our visions are aligned, and our future (and the future of AML) is brighter than ever. So here’s to a great event and many more like it.


Photo by Mohamed Almari from Pexels

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