Not a disruption, but an evolution

We are delighted to be the head sponsor for the AML & FinCrime Tech Forum 2022 virtual event.

Celina Pablo
2 min

We are delighted to be the head sponsor for the AML & FinCrime Tech Forum 2022 virtual event. A contingent of Lucinians contribute their expertise to industry experts and peers by leading a keynote presentation, a panel discussion, and an interactive workshop.

The reason why we’re excited about participating in the AML & FinCrime Tech Forum is the forward-looking nature of the event. The entire world has gone through a major disruption, the COVID-19 pandemic, arriving on the heels of another significant transformation that saw ever more processes and environments turning digital.

Technology has a funny way of creating extremely long ripple effects. For example, financial crime and compliance, already poised for digital transformation, has been upended by the pandemic transforming daily life — and, through daily life, finances.

We applaud FinTech Global’s initiative to gather the industry and present positive, forward-looking, and analytical action plans for those fighting financial crime. Technology is an asset, and bringing true digital transformation to the AML industry will have a compound effect.

Take a look at the event’s detailed agenda, and read below for a sneak peek of what Lucinity’s experts bring to the (virtual) table.

👩‍👨‍💼 Keynote Presentation: Make Money Good

Jeremy Doyle, Lucinity’s VP of Customers, will hold the keynote address to explain how AML should (and can!) strive to Make Money Good.

Money laundering is a crime that fuels crime. Ensuring that financial criminals do not outpace compliance professionals means embracing technology and applying it where it really matters and can do the most good.

The right combination of tools, mindset, and expertise can transform the AML industry, not just in terms of financial crimefighting but also becoming a valued contributor to any financial institution’s entire business objectives.

🧩 Workshop: Helping AML catch up to the 21st Century

Daníel Pálmason, Lucinity’s VP of Legal and Compliance, will lead an interactive workshop to explore the opportunities compliance professionals can leverage with modern technology.

In this age of endless disruption, technological and otherwise, it’s not hard to see that legacy approaches struggle. Siloed data and fragmented tools are hard-pressed to keep up with a rapidly globalizing, interconnected financial world.

Daníel will ensure participants can see multiple paths to improve their AML processes through modern technology and leave with actionable takeaways to improve their productivity.

👩‍👨‍💼 Panel discussion: Using automation, data, AI, and machine learning to fight financial crime more effectively

Theresa Bercich, Lucinity’s VP of Product Strategy, will lead a panel discussion around empowering compliance professionals with technology, particularly AI, to catch criminals.

AI often gets a bad rep because while the technology evolves rapidly, the confusion and misunderstandings surrounding it can obscure its potential. We should never want a machine doing a human’s job, but we also shouldn’t ask humans to do the machine’s. AI can empower people, not replace them, by simply using the right application of their respective strengths.

AI can assist in raw data processing power, leaving humans free to add insight and creativity to it.

Virtual event, real value

There’s no more fitting example of the worldwide disruption we’re living through than the virtual nature of the AML & FinCrime Tech Forum. But while the event is enabled by and takes space between the bits and bytes of digital technology, the benefits and connections we can make have never been more real. If anything, we’ve shrunk the world and brought it closer to ourselves.

We hope to see you at the event. We are looking forward to your questions and feedback on our social media (Twitter and LinkedIn) during and following these two days of intense knowledge sharing.

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