The key to beating money laundering is to do less

Faster, smarter AML with augmented intelligence

Less work, more AML

AML can use technology to move from defense to offense and let the analysts' human insight and creativity lead machine power and performance in the fight against financial crime.

Lucinity's transparent, explainable AI does the heavy lifting with continuously evolving behavior recognition, and presents AML case data ready to be reviewed and filed. Compliance analysts can see exactly where signs of money laundering have been detected and intuitively drill down into the data for details.

No matter how long a game financial criminals might play, your AML team and Lucinity can beat them.

Transaction monitoring

Using augmented intelligence, we are revolutionizing how financial institutions approach, understand, and deal with the ever-evolving threat of money laundering.

Actor Intelligence

Gain a holistic view of your customers based on comprehensive data analysis. Understand their risk and enhance your AML compliance programs.

SAR Manager

Protect your company through efficient SAR management that unlocks the true potential of your AML investigators.