Become faster, smarter to beat anti-money laundering

Augment human insight with AI prowess to solve the 2.4 trillion dollar problem

How can anti-money laundering lower cost and increase results?

The fight against money laundering needs to be empowered with technology. Faster, smarter data-driven decisions are a key in matching and outpacing financial criminals who employ sophisticated, global patterns of activity to outsmart static, rule-based regulations. Lucinity's anti-money laundering solution uses continuous behavior detection and risk scoring, processed through a multidimensional data matrix by a transparent AI, to find the criminal activity hiding behind the data.

The secret to Lucinity's effectiveness is augmenting human insight and creativity with the lightning speed and accuracy of machine data processing.

Sign up for our anti-money laundering insights

Make Money Good

Lucinity's recipe for anti-money laundering

Transaction monitoring

Using augmented intelligence, we are revolutionizing how financial institutions approach, understand, and deal with the ever-evolving threat of money laundering.

Actor Intelligence

Gain a holistic view of your customers based on comprehensive data analysis. Understand their risk and enhance your AML compliance programs.

SAR Manager

Streamline your reporting process with the Lucinity SAR manager: let the system do the work for you, and handle all your SARs in one place.